Nominations for _Sci-5_ (Gerry Mckiernan) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 10 Jul 2001 13:45 UTC

Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 08:39:53 -0500
Subject: Nominations for _Sci-5_

                               _Nominations for _Sci-5_

   Members of the Science and Technology community are invited to nominate
quality Sci-Tech Web sites and resources for potential review in a new
Science and Technology Libraries (S&TL) (Haworth) column titled _Sci-5_
edited by Yours Truly. S&TL is now edited by Virginia Baldwin, engineering
librarian at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln.

   Items of greatest interest for "Sci-5"  are Science _or_ Technology
sites with uncommon but useful content, and/or those with innovative
features and functionalities. The Sci-5 profiles will be capsule reviews
of 400-450 words and will include at least one citation to a major source
for additional information.

   For my first column, due July 20th, I will be profiling 5 major e-print
servers and am greatly interested in identifying additional candidates
other them those listed in the Iowa State list _Preprint Resources on the

   [ ]

BTW:   Our list was  derived from the  article

    "Preprint Servers: Pushing the Envelope of Electronic Scholarly
Publishing" _Searcher_ 8(9)  Oct 2000

   [ ]

by my Web colleague Nicholas G. Tomaiuolo and his colleague Joan G. Packer
of the Central Connecticut State University library.

  The Title and Web address of candidate resources for _Sci-5_ are welcome
any time, and should be sent to

                        Gerry McKiernan
                        Science and Technology Librarian and Bibliographer
                        Iowa State University Library
                        Ames, IA 50011


/Gerry McKiernan
Contributing Editor, "Sci-5"
Member, Editorial Board
_Science and Technology Libraries_