Seeking Serials Section Nominations (Nancy M. Stanley) Marcia Tuttle 24 Aug 2001 15:08 UTC

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Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2001 10:15:50 -0400
From: Nancy M. Stanley <nms@PSULIAS.PSU.EDU>
Subject: Seeking Serials Section Nominations

To the ALCTS Serials Section Members & the Executive Committee:

The ALCTS Serials Section Nominating Committee is seeking nominations for
the Serials Section offices of Vice Chair/Chair Elect and
Member-at-Large.  This is an opportunity for you to participate in this
important process and to help us find talented, dedicated, and hard working
members of the Section, whom you feel would provide excellent leadership
and, therefore, are worthy candidates for these two offices.

The term of office for these positions is three years and commences in
2002.  The deadline for accepting your nominations is October 1, 2001.  We
urge you to send your nominations, preferably by email, to the Chair of the
Committee, Nancy M. Stanley ( or contact her by phone
or fax at the appropriate number indicated below as soon as possible.  You
also may contact the other members of the Committee.  They are Jill Emery
and Beverley Geer and their e-mail addresses and other contact information
are listed below.  In your nomination, please include:  the nominee's name,
the office for which the person is being nominated and contact information
for the nominee.

We are anxious to hear from many of you.  Remember we must hear from you no
later than October 1.  Thanks so much for your help.

Nancy M. Stanley
Chair, Serials Section Nominating
Head, Acquisitions Services
University Libraries
Penn State University
126 Paterno Library
University Park PA 16802
Phone:  814-865-1858
FAX: 814-863-7293

Jill Emery
Member, Serials Section Nominating
Director, Electronic Resources Program
University of Houston
114 University Libraries
Houston, TX 77204-2000
713.743.9778 (fax) or

Beverley Geer
Member, Serials Section Nominating
Business Strategy/Process Development
Questia Media, Inc.
Three Greenway Plaza
Suite 1700
Houston, TX 77046
713 358-2862