Re: Issue arrival times (2 messages) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 02 Aug 2001 21:42 UTC

2 messages:


Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2001 16:06:37 -0400
From: "Leathem, Cecilia Anne" <cleathem@MIAMI.EDU>
Subject: Re: Issue arrival times (2 messages)

This has been a very useful discussion.  Thank you Dani, for introducing the
topic and thank you, Dan Tonkery, for your very clear explanation of the
process of journal distribution and mailing.  I have forwarded this message
to all serials staff for their enlightenment.

Cecilia Leathem
Head, Knowledge Access Management
Otto G. Richter Library
University of Miami
Coral Gables, FL 33124


Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2001 17:16:39 -0400
From: Albert Henderson <chessNIC@COMPUSERVE.COM>
Subject: Re: Issue arrival times

Re Issue arrival times.

There is a solution to delays in campus forwarding. Many
educational institutions have already done it. That is
to give the library its own "street" address and ZIP+4
bar code so the post office can deliver to your door.

Not only will this speed delivery of news, where time IS
of the essence. It will unburden campus labor and
administrative expense re-handling mail that the post
office is capable to delivering to your door. Ebsco and
the publishers would be happy, I am certain, to make the
address any way you want.

Moreover, the post office maintains a database (called
the Coding Accuracy Support System, or CASS) that all
bulk mailers are required to use in the preparation of
labels qualifying for automation discounts.

The post office asked your institution to provide
"deliverable" street addresses a few years ago, resulting
in some peculiar "street addresses" like "1 Southern
Illinois University" and "0 University of Maryland." One
California university had separate addresses for a few
administrative offices but none for the library and other
departments. I have felt that some administrators preferred
to protect their own feifdoms than save money that could
be applied to education or research.

It may also be of interest that the date on popular
magazines signals the day that issue comes OFF the
newsstand, rather than the day of publication. The
general understanding that news is perishable may be
useful in convincing opponents of this change.

There is no reason that I know of for library or agency
copies to be handled separately from home deliveries
as long as we are talking about single-copy mail.

You need to contact your local postmaster.

Best wishes,

Albert Henderson