Re: Notice of New Listserv: Serial Change Notice (Dan Lester) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 17 Aug 2001 17:54 UTC

Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2001 11:41:57 -0600
From: Dan Lester <>
Subject: Re: Notice of New Listserv: Serial Change Notice (Chris Troutman)

A few quick thoughts from one who manages over a dozen lists using
LISTSERV(R), most of them related to library technology.

IMHO, Topica is a bad deal.  I don't care about the legal stuff, but
it is a pain to use.  I offered the ERIL owners the chance to move
that list (which I'm a member of and like) to
They seemed interested, but nothing has happened.  Their call, not
mine. The offer still stands.  The same offer is open to other lists
relating to libraries and librarianship (in the broadest terms....we
cover collecting librariana, several specific products [firstsearch,
ariel, Geac Advance], and other library topics, such as circulation
and business librarianship.  There are no charges to anyone.  Some
members have chosen to make donations to the BSU Foundation in
appreciation, but that isn't a goal in having the lists (and they
certainly don't pay for themselves).

As to the need for the list, that will be determined by the list
itself, and those who run and join it.  Nothing can make a list
survive or be useful except the members.  If no one but the creators
see a real need for it, then it will wither and die.  If all serials
changes move to it, then others can choose to join both, the one they
need, or neither.  Of course what is likely to happen is that most
changes will be posted both places and then users will have to decide
whether they need duplicate notices of most in order to get the few
that would be on the new list alone.

Finally, if I were going to use one of the "new list management
systems", I'd use Yahoo! Groups, which seems to work much more
efficiently.  But for any academic or library topic, it should always
be possible to find a home for it on a genuine LISTSERV machine



Thursday, August 16, 2001, 8:06:32 AM, you wrote:
EcVE> It seems to me that the creation of another listserve for the purpose of
EcVE> just learning of title changes, numbering changes, frequency,
EcVE> etc. is redundant since such information is posted here.   Are there any
EcVE> serials librarians who don't need title change information?  Will we now
EcVE> have to post such information to both listserves.  If we don't, then
EcVE> librarians will have to read both in order to get all the information.

Dan Lester, Data Wrangler
3577 East Pecan, Boise, Idaho  83716-7115 USA  Stop Global Whining!