Re: SciELO News - no. 1 - February/2002 (fwd) David Goodman 04 Feb 2002 12:42 UTC

My experience is that they are a very useful site for any university which
has, like us, a strong interest in Latin American studies. We have
cataloged all their titles.

David Goodman, Princeton University Biology Library            609-258-3235

On Fri, 1 Feb 2002, Birdie MacLennan wrote:

> Of possible interest to SERIALST subscribers.
> Forwarded from:  SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online
> <>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Fri, 01 Feb 2002 18:21:46 -0200
> From: SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online <>
> Subject: SciELO News - n� 1 - February/2002
> Scientific Electronic Library Online
> SciELO News - n� 1 - February/2002
> SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online (
> received the international recognition in its mission to promote the
> visibility, access, and credibility of the scientific publications
> produced in Brazil, Latin America and Caribbean.
> An investigation of two researchers from the University of Oxford,
> published this week in Nature (Regional network raises profile of local
> journals, Nature 415, 471-2, 31 jan. 2002) verifies that the impact factor
> of five Brazilian journals indexed on the ISI - Institute for Scientific
> Information had an average increase of 132,7%.
> That news represents a significant advance in the role of the electronic
> publication as a way of dissemination and assessment of the scientific
> communication in the developing countries, and reaffirms the importance of
> the SciELO network for the creation and consolidation of that scenario.
> The site SciELO Brasil (, in operation since 1998, is
> already consolidated among the researchers as a reference for scientific
> research on the Internet and, among the editors, as a synonym of quality
> for the national scientific publication in electronic format. Its success
> created opportunities for the development of other national sites, as
> SciELO Chile and SciELO Cuba, and of the thematic site SciELO Public
> Health, which brings together newspapers of Latin America and Spain in the
> public health area. SciELO network soon will be joined by Spain, Portugal,
> Venezuela and Costa Rica, countries that already have adopted the model
> and should operate its national collections regularly in 2002.
> Related links:
> Electronic network boosts Southern journals
> Regional network raises profile of local journals
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> SciELO is a project of FAPESP- Funda��o of Protection � Investigation do
> State of S�o Paulo in collaboration with BIREME- Latin-American and do
> Caribbean Center of Informa��o em Ci�ncias gives Sa�de.
> SciELO News is the electronic informative bulletin of the SciELO -
> Scientific Electronic Library Online, distributed monthly to the users
> subscribed to this service.
> In order to subscribe, send doubts, criticisms or suggestions, write to