Migration and MFHD (Mary Williams) Marcia Tuttle 15 Feb 2002 17:00 UTC

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Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 10:59:33 -0600
From: Mary Williams <mwilliams@TARLETON.EDU>
Subject: Migration and MFHD

Good Friday, all;

We were a DRA Classic site and were scheduled to migrate to TAOS this
summer.  We'll be migrating to SIRSI instead and I have some questions
for persons who have gone through this process, as I have not.

We have not used MFHD and are presently working on questions about what
SIRSI will do for us in adding holdings.  We have about 1000 active
titles for which we will immediately want MFHD.  We have about 3000
retrospective titles, but are unsure that we need MFHD for them.
Barcoding of bound volumes stopped in 1996.  We don't circulate them
except to grad students and faculty and the transaction is manual.

We recently completed a project to put summary holdings in a 500 note so
that it would show in the OPAC.  SIRSI has said it will move those notes
to the 886 field for us.  They can do this globally and apparently
without much effort.  So I'm wondering, do we need MFHD records for
retrospective titles, or just for the current?  They have a justifiable
concern about how to identify them since they don't want to convert them
one by one.

The cost may or may not be included in the service contract as we
originally contracted for an upgrade with DRA and are essentially
getting a new product from SIRSI, so that is also an issue.

Any answers or thoughts are welcome.  Feel free to reply offlist.

Many thanks,


Mary W. Williams
Periodicals Librarian
Dick Smith Library
Box T-0450
Tarleton State University
Stephenville, TX  76402

(254) 968-9868
(254) 968-9467  FAX

email: mwilliams@vms.tarleton.edu