ALCTS Acq. Sect. Nominations Robert Alan 02 Aug 2002 22:30 UTC

Date: August 1, 2002,
From: ALCTS Acquisitions Section Nominating Committee
Subject: Call for nominations
To: Members of the Acquisitions Section Members & its Executive Committee:

The ALCTS Acquisitions Section Nominating Committee is seeking nominations for
the Acquisitions Section offices of Vice Chair/Chair Elect and just one
This is an opportunity for you to participate in this important process
and to help us find talented, dedicated, and hard working members of the
Section, whom you feel would provide excellent leadership and, therefore,
are worthy candidates for these two positions.

The term of office for these positions is three years and commences in
2003. The deadline for accepting your nominations is October 1, 2002.

We urge you to send your nominations as soon as possible by email, phone or
fax to the Chair of the Acquisitions Section Nomination Committee, Nancy M.
( or to a members of the committee, Gary Shirk and
Michele Crump.

In your nomination, would you please include:

Nominee's name, the office for which the person is being nominated;
Contact information for the nominee; and
Background information supporting the nomination

We are anxious to hear from many of you. Remember we must hear from you
no later than October 1, 2002. Thanks so much for your help.

Nancy M. Stanley
Chair, Acquisitions Section Nominating Committee
Phone: 1-814-865-1858
FAX: 1-814-863-7293

Gary Shirk
Member, Acquisitions Section Nominating Committee
Phone: 1-603-746-3102 X3322
Fax: 1-800-343-7413

Michele Crump
Member, Acquisitions Section Nominating Committee
Phone: 1-352-392-0355
Fax: 1-352-392-4788