Circulating Bound Journals (2 messages) Marcia Tuttle 05 Aug 2002 14:50 UTC

Subject: RE:      Circulating bound volumes
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2002 10:25:30 -0400

Unless you have a micro backup or some other second copy, I would say as short a
term as possible, overnight or at most a weekend.  If it is a faculty member, or a
grad student with a study carrel IN THE LIBRARY BUILDING (to which you have access)
you can be a little more flexible.  And don't be hesitant to review your procedures
in reaction to problems!

Tom McCaffrey
Acquisitions & Serials Librarian
Champlain College
Burlington, VT 05401
ph. (802) 865-6488

-----Original Message-----
From: Baumli,Vickey [mailto:VBAUMLI@MAIL.NWMISSOURI.EDU]
Sent: Monday, August 05, 2002 8:08 AM
Subject: Circulating bound volumes

We have made the decision to circulate our bound volumes.  I would like some
input into what you consider a reasonable length of time to circulate them,
plus any other things we need to consider.  They will not go out on ILL, nor
will we check out the unbound copies.  Thanks so much for any help you can


Vickey Baumli
Serials Specialist
Owens Library
Northwest Missouri State University
Maryville, MO 64468

From: "Peter Picerno" <>
Subject: RE: Circulating bound volumes
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2002 10:28:36 -0400

I have been associated with two libraries which circulated bound volumes:
their circ rules differed in terms of length of time (one, a general
academic library, allowed them to circ for 3 days, the other, a medical
library, allowed them to circ for seven days). Part of the reason that both
institutions were successful (the medical library also allowed unbound
issues to circ) was that there were pretty stiff replacement fees and pretty
stiff overdue fees associated with the journal collection, and what made
this part of the whole plan work was that there was campus-wide
administrative support to ensure that replacement and overdue fees were,
indeed, collected (otherwise students did not receive diplomas and faculty
at one institution had to pay library and other fees in order to receive
their final paycheck upon resignation or retirement). The fees were not so
much to ensure that the volumes could and would be replaced (which, as you
know, is always a problem -- print is almost impossible, and microform is
sometimes 'iffy') but, in my opinion, the replacement/overdue fees and the
support for their collection stood as a deterrent, if you will, to
carelessness in handling these materials.
In implementing your decision, I would recommend that borrowers be notified
of overdue journals within 24 hours of the due date and that the
replacement/overdue fees be communicated clearly to the community. I think
you'll find that the circulation of the journal collection is a great
service to the community.

Peter V. Picerno