Re: INDEX Bibliographicus Jenny Lockwood 08 Aug 2002 22:34 UTC

World Cat has an Index Bibliographicus Societatus Iesu, 1937-1977.  OCLC
1899415.  Don't know is this is the one you want.

At 12:42 PM 8/8/02 -0500, you wrote:
>Folks --
>   If anyone can give me any more information about this title, I would
>appreciate it. If you know if there is an OCLC record for it, that would be
>even better.
>   For some strange reason, we have one bound volume for this title that
>includes 2 years and 2 volumes. On the outside cover of each it has in large
>caps "Index Bibliographicus" and directly underneath it but in smaller caps
>"Societatis Jesu." Underneath that it has the two names "Livio Pagello, S.J.
>and Rufo Mendizabal, S.J." It has "Romae" "Borgo S. Spirito, 5" "1978"  on
>the front cover of the one labeled "19  1976."
>   Other than ascertaining that this Bibiographical Index was put out by the
>Society of Jesuits, I cannot glean much more information from this. Thanks
>in advance for any information you can provide!
>Deb Ham
>Serials Associate
>Reinert Alumni Memorial Library
>Creighton University
>2500 California Plaza
>Omaha, NE 68178
>402-280-1802 (phone)
>402-280-2435 (fax)

Jenny Lockwood
New Mexico State University
Library-Serials Unit
P.O. Box 30006; Dept. 3475
Las Cruces, NM 88003
fax 505-646-7477