Re: Momentum for Eprint Archiving (fwd) Stevan Harnad 11 Aug 2002 12:46 UTC

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Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2002 08:17:37 +0100
From: Andy Powell <a.powell@UKOLN.AC.UK>
Reply-To: September 1998 American Scientist Forum
Subject: Re: Momentum for Eprint Archiving

On Fri, 9 Aug 2002, Peter Suber wrote:

> August 1, 2002. Project SHERPA (Securing a Hybrid Environment for Research
> Preservation and Access) begins operation. Funded by JISC-FAIR, SHERPA
> is designed to stimulate eprint archiving in the UK CURL (Consortium of
> University Research Libraries) institutions.
>  (home page under construction)

Also funded by JISC-FAIR, the e-Prints UK project will be developing
subject-based, national services through which the higher and further
education community can access the collective output of e-print papers
available from compliant Open Archive repositories, particularly those
provided by UK universities and colleges. e-Prints UK will benefit from
the RDN partners' expertise in developing services tailored for particular
subject audiences, the considerable user base visiting existing RDN
services and the ongoing work of the JISC funded Subject Portals Project.
e-Prints UK is a collaboration between the Resource Discovery Network
(RDN), OCLC and the University of Southampton.

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