PRESS RELEASE: Project Muse Announces Prices and Titles for 2003 Melanie Vandermark 13 Aug 2002 18:36 UTC

P R E S S  R E L E A S E

For Immediate Release
August 12, 2002
Contact: Melanie Vandermark, Project Muse Marketing & Sales Manager,
(410) 516-3846
(The text of the this press release is also available online at


With 26 new journal titles confirmed to join its collections in 2003,
Project Muse®, Scholarly Journals Online, continues to offer
institutional subscribers electronic access to more quality, current
full-text periodical content. Prices and complete details on
subscription packages offered for the 2003 calendar year term are now
available on the Muse web site at Muse continues to make
enhancements to its search engine, enter into linking arrangements
with third-party partners, and improve its usage statistics reporting
package, all part of efforts to make Muse content more accessible and
the resource more useful for libraries and researchers.

With the addition of the 26 new titles, four from partner publishers
new to the project, the Muse Full Database Collection for 2003 will
include content from 221 journals representing over thirty
publishers. The list price for this collection for 2003 is $17,000.
With Muse's generous discount scheme for certain categories of
libraries, and volume discounts for consortium purchases, the average
subscriber pays only 48% of list price, resulting in a very modest
average price per journal of only $37. Nearly 80% of the journals in
Muse include at least two years of back files in addition to current
content, and several titles include up to seven volumes of back

Muse will again offer two discipline-oriented journal collections:
Arts & Humanities and Social Sciences. Several publisher collections
will also continue to be offered. New publishers participating in
Muse for 2002 include the University of Illinois Press (Journal of
Aesthetic Education), Ohio State University College of Education
(Theory into Practice), Society for Military History (Journal of
Military History), and West Chester University (College Literature).
As in previous years, many of the current partner presses will be
contributing additional titles to the collection, expanding the
database's offerings in film studies, Latin American studies,
linguistics, environmental studies, and literature, among others.
Several of these subject areas placed highly in our recent subscriber
survey of topics for which our customers would like to see additional
content offered.

Among the exciting additions to Muse for 2003 are Children's
Literature, the annual journal of the Modern Language Association's
Division on Children's Literature and of the Children's Literature
Association, and Latin American Research Review, the official
publication of the Latin American Studies Association. The complete
list of new titles confirmed for inclusion in 2003 includes:

American Annals of the Deaf
Children's Literature
College Literature
Comparative Technology Transfer in Society
Enterprise and Society
Fourth Genre: Explorations in Nonfiction
French Colonial History
Global Environmental Politics
Holocaust and Genocide Studies
Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies
International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics
Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society
Journal of Aesthetic Education
Journal of Folklore Research
Journal of Military History
Journal of Slavic Linguistics
Ka Ho'oilina/The Legacy
Latin American Research Review
The Moving Image
Oral Tradition
Philosophy of Music Education Review
Prairie Schooner
Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State and Society
Studies in Philology
Theory Into Practice
The Velvet Light Trap

Muse is also pleased to announce that Anthropological Quarterly will
resume ongoing coverage in the database. The journal initially joined
Project Muse in 2001, but ongoing coverage ceased when the title
changed hands at the end of the 2001 volume year. Arrangements have
now been secured with the new publisher, the Institute for
Ethnographic Research, to resume publishing AQ online in Muse, and
issues which have been published in the interim will also be added to
Muse to ensure continuous coverage.

The journal International Organization will no longer be published
online with Muse after the end of the current volume (Volume 56), as
it will be transitioning from the MIT Press to a publisher who does
not currently participate in Muse. Subscribers may rest assured that
all issues of the title already published online will remain in Muse
and available to current subscribers, although no new issues will
appear after Volume 56, Issue 4. Also, due to production and
scheduling issues, African Rural and Urban Studies, previously
announced as joining Muse in 2002, will not be published online with

Muse will continue its current policy of offering discounts to
several categories of libraries, including community colleges, high
schools, special libraries, public libraries, and very small academic
institutions. The Project Muse consortium discount program remains
unchanged, providing volume discounts to library consortia based upon
the number of participating institutions. There will be no
significant changes to Muse's library-friendly licensing terms and
usage policies for 2003.

Complete details on each subscription package offered, including the
specific titles in each collection and pricing details, may be found
by following the links on the Subscription Information page
( Please watch the
Project Muse "What's New" page for further details on the journal
collections, titles, and prices offered to institutional subscribers
in 2003. Questions regarding Muse subscriptions may be directed to
the subscription services department at or

Project MUSE was launched in 1995 by the Johns Hopkins University
Press, in collaboration with the Milton S. Eisenhower Library at
Johns Hopkins University, to offer the full text of JHUP scholarly
journals via the world wide web.  In 1999, MUSE expanded to include
quality, peer-reviewed journals from other not-for-profit scholarly
publishers, with over 30 publisher partners participating as of
summer 2002. Full-text online journals in many subject areas in the
humanities, the social sciences, and the arts are available, both as
part of journal collections and for individual institutional
subscriptions. Project MUSE has been hailed for its library-friendly
licensing and usage policies, easy online navigation, reasonable
pricing, and generous discount plans for consortia and various
categories of libraries.

Sample journal issues and more information about Project MUSE may be
accessed online at:  Trial access to the entire
Project MUSE database may be requested for media review and for
prospective subscribers by contacting the marketing/sales department
at 410-516-3846 or
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