Re: Question about "managing ejournals more closely" Diane M Lewis 16 Aug 2002 20:06 UTC

Jeannette is right--we are all striving to serve our patrons in the best
way we know how.  Rick's clientele want the latest information at their
fingertips.  Our scientists require an historical and wide-ranging
perspective as well as the most current information out there.  So, we have
made different choices.

The real problem will come (perhaps it has already arrived at some sites)
when the large research libraries are forced to allocate the bulk of their
financial resources to electronic access fees and ejournal management
costs. One fear is  that  we will see wholesale personnel layoffs and print
collection neglect or dumping while a few systems folk and high level
managers run the "resource information center."  Unless our institutions
work to cooperate and preserve our cultural heritage, we face a sterile
future in which our populations are doomed to repeat the worst mistakes of
the past.

Diane M. Lewis, Serial Records Librarian
U.S. Geological Survey Library--MS950
Reston, Virginia  20192  USA
Tel. 703-648-4399
Fax 703-648-6376

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