Re: looking for Banned Books Week suggestions Teresa Saunders 20 Aug 2002 20:41 UTC

Why not do banned books/subjects from around the world?  Like what is
banned in Iran, Iraq, Israel, England, Russia, Japan, etc.
This might remind them/us of what freedoms we enjoy here.

Teresa Saunders
Ruth A. Haas Library
Danbury, CT 06810

Banned Books Week is coming up in Sept 21 - 28.  Does anyone have any ideas
or suggestions of what our library can do to remind our patrons of our
intellectual freedoms.  My library is in a mid-sized law firm. It's easy to
just let this slide by and assume that the attorneys are aware of
issues but I'm sure that even they (and the support staff) need to be
reminded of this democratic freedom.  If you have any suggestions that you
have used in your law library to raise awareness of this issue and wouldn't
mind sharing, please contact me by e-mail at:

I will post a list of ideas to share with others early September.
Thank you.

Maria Lasky
D'Ancona & Pflaum LLC
Phone:  (312) 602-2177
Fax:  (312) 602-3000


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