Re: OCLC ECO -- Mark Ferguson Stephen Clark 04 Sep 2002 13:51 UTC

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: OCLC ECO -- Eduardo Gil
Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2002 09:41:43 -0400
From: Mark Ferguson <mferguson@CSE.EDU>


I know this goes back aways but I was wondering if you could provide any
information about your experiences with OCLC's product ECO (Electronic
Collections Online).  I noticed you had inquired about ECO on the Serials
listserve back in December 2000 and I was hoping you might be able to
provide me with some information.  Have you decided to use ECO as an
electronic platform for your journal subscriptions (We are going through
thatdecision making process right now)?  If you are currently using it, are
you satisfied with its funcitonality? Do you think it will provide a
solution for maintaining your periodicals collection over the long term,
providing archival access?  How do your patrons like it?  Does it work well
for ILL?  Is it cost effective (meaning: is it about the same cost, more or
less than print subscriptions)?  Have you received any info from other
libraries using this product?

I would be very interested in any input you may be able to provide
concerning this matter.

Thanks so much

Mark Ferguson
Periodicals librarian,
Mahoney Library, College of Saint Elizabeth

 >-------- Original Message --------
 >Subject: OCLC ECO
 >Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2000 11:00:43 -0500
 >From: Eduardo Gil <>
 >Is anyone using OCLC's Electronic Collection Online for subscribing to
 >electronic journals and what are your thoughts (pricing, archival,
 >current issues, access through First Search, etc.).
 >Happy New Year,
 >Ed Gil
 >Periodicals Librarian
 >Sprague Library
 >Montclair State University
 >Upper Montclair,  NJ 07043