OVGTSL 2003 Conference - Call for Proposals -- Marh McLaren Stephen Clark 20 Sep 2002 15:32 UTC

-------- Original Message --------
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2002 11:10:03 -0400
To: serialst@list.uvm.edu
From: Mary McLaren <mclaren@pop.uky.edu>
Subject: OVGTSL 2003 Conference - Call for Proposals

Call For Proposals OVGTSL 2003:
The Ohio Valley Group of Technical Services Librarians
Presents: OVGTSL 2003: Racing to a Bright Future

May 14-16, 2003
Indiana State University
Terre Haute, IN

Sponsored by ISU's Cunningham Memorial Library

We invite you to submit proposals for 30-minute presentations with
10-minute discussion sessions in the areas of trends and issues of
technical services and information access. Presentations in the following
areas are especially welcome:

Interoperability across heterogeneous systems by utilizing open source tools
Unified access/Federated searching across repositories, OPACs, etc.
Technical services reorganization; Emerging roles of tech services
Collection development of electronic resources
Integrating Internet resources into OPACs/Enriching cataloging records
Cataloging electronic resources/web resources including DVD by utilizing
revised AACR2 chs.9 and 12 or other tools
OCLC Connexion: migration progress among libraries, its impact on technical
services workflow, etc.
Roles of the technical services unit in building digital libraries
Abstracts Deadline: December 1, 2002
Notification Date: January 15, 2003

Contact Information:    Steve Hardin (shardin@indstate.edu)
                          Jung-ran Park (libpark@isugw.indstate.edu)
                          Conference Program Committee



Abstracts should be sent electronically and attached to an email.
MS-Word format is preferred
Abstracts should be sent to: shardin@indstate.edu


All abstracts must be received by December 1, 2002

The e-mail and attached abstract must include the following:
Presenter's Name(s)
Presenter's Affiliation(s)
Title of the Presentation
E-mail address of the primary presenter
The abstract should be no more than one page (ca. 500 words) and no less
than 11-point font. A second page is permitted for references and/or data.