Results of CONSER survey -- Jean Hirons Stephen Clark 23 Sep 2002 18:22 UTC

-------- Original Message --------
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 11:41:30 -0400
From: "Jean L Hirons" <>
Subject: Results of CONSER survey

Dear Colleagues,

Thanks to so many of your for responding to the CONSER survey on
aggregators and for your very thoughtful comments and suggestions.  It
is very clear that we have a mandate to go to one record for the online
versions!  With that in mind, CONSER libraries will be discussing over
the next few weeks a proposal that suggests what would be included in
that record.  Your comments have been highly influential in shaping this
proposal.  The final result will be a set of recommendations to the PCC
Policy Committee for its meeting in early November.  Once the decision
has been reached, I will post it to the lists.  We also plan to discuss
this issue at the Midwinter ALA CONSER At Large meeting in

Meanwhile, you can read the survey results and many of the comments at:

Jean Hirons
CONSER Coordinator
Library of Congress
101 Independence Ave. SE
Washington, DC 20540-4160
voice: 202-707-5947
fax: 202-707-1778