Re: question about JSTOR -- Carol L. MacAdam Stephen Clark 30 Sep 2002 14:08 UTC

-------- Original Message --------
From: "Carol L. MacAdam" <>
Subject: question about JSTOR
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2002 09:11:00 -0400

Dear Colleagues --

I think it helpful for JSTOR to reply to part of Dan Lester's posting.
We should clarify Dan's comments in regard to Peter Waskevich's orginal
post to SERIALST, about what happens when an institution chooses to end
JSTOR participation, and then chooses to re-instate participation at a
later time.

When an institution finds it necessary to cease participation in any
JSTOR collection, they simply notify us that they choose to withdraw and
that they will no longer pay the Annual Access Fee for that collection.
  We need to have that notification more than 90 days before the end of
the current agreement for that collection.  We will withdraw their
access to that collection.

If at a later date that institution wishes to again participate in that
collection, we will re-license them with the acknowledgement that the
Archive Capital Fee has previously been paid.  The Archive Capital Fee
is truly a one-time only fee.  They will begin again to pay the Annual
Access Fee and will then have access to all the content in that collection.

I do hope this clarifies JSTOR's participation policy.

Please see also Kevin Guthrie's posting to Liblicense on Wednesday
September 25.

Please do not hesitate to contact me any time with questions about JSTOR
fees and licensing practices.

Best wishes, Carol MacAdam

Carol MacAdam
Associate Director for Library Relations
120 Fifth Avenue, 5th floor
New York, NY 10011
212-229-6841 fax