Re: Microfilm reader printer upgrade? -- Terence Rose
Stephen Clark 09 Sep 2002 17:55 UTC
-------- Original Message --------
Date: Mon, 09 Sep 2002 11:54:18 -0400
From: "Terence Rose" <>
Subject: Re: Microfilm reader printer upgrade? -- Katherine Hill
Hi Katherine,
I would considering renting a machine. We have cancelled some microfim
for titles that are available in fulltext and we cancel some due to
budget reasons. However, We still have a large microflim collections
because a lot of titles have not been published in full text. Also, we
buy titles such as newspaper's on microflim due to the nature of our
collection. EX. Genealogist use our newspaper. Also, the microfim copy
contains ads and other information that the e-copy will not have.
However, you need to keep in mind that a recent Supreme Court
decisions, means that some titles in electroinc text may not have all
the articles. This had created some implications for ILL as well.
Also, preservation community skill consider microfim as the best media
for preservation and usage. Even with the e-text microfliming will not
be disappearing. Eventhough ,ProQuest is planning to start digtalizing
certain publlications to keep the colors of the orginal they are just
starting and it will be while before they gain a mass of publications.
They are current doing the New York Times.
So my best advice is to rent a machine, the last library where I
worked did that. Also, a lot of organizations are still using
microflim. You can rent the latest machine and have the rental company
take care of maintance. There are some pro and cons you need to weigh.
Pro rental cost per year vs purchase, maintance etc.
If you have any questions, email me.
-------- Original Message --------
From: "Hill, Katherine" <>
Subject: Microfilm reader printer upgrade?
We are a community college library with quite a bit of our serials
backfiles on microfilm. Our students are increasingly relying on full
text services such as Lexis Nexis and Infotrac OneFile. The microfilm
is used less and less. In the meantime we have two aging 3M film
printers. We had intended to upgrade to a new machine, but now are
having second thoughts. Has anyone cancelled all their microfilm
subscriptions? Has anyone gotten rid of all their film and/or fiche?
We can think of other things to buy with the money a new machine would
cost. Does anyone have a crystal ball about the future of these
microform collections?
Katherine H. Hill
Circulation/Periodicals Librarian
Dry Memorial Library
Erie Community College
6205 Main Street
Williamsville, New York 14221
(716) 851-1278