Re: Minolta and scanning software -- Bob Sheier Stephen Clark 09 Sep 2002 19:14 UTC

-------- Original Message --------
From: "Bob Scheier" <>
Subject: RE: Minolta and scanning software -- Erika Ripley
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 15:03:57 -0400

In line with this, I was wondering what the alternatives are to the Minolta
digital microfiche/microfilm scanners. Is anyone happily using other
companies like Cannon? With the prices of home film scanners so cheap, I'm
wondering if all these machines are over priced! Do we really need to buy a
whole new machine?

Any thoughts?


Robert H. Scheier
Serials/ILL Librarian
New York Institute of Technology
Wisser Library
Wheatley Rd., P.O. Box 8000
Old Westbury, New York 11568-8000
Phone: (516) 686-7624
Fax: (516) 626-2914
Library Web Site:
College Web Site:

##-------- Original Message --------
##Subject: Minolta and scanning software
##Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 12:56:46 -0500
##From: "Ripley, Erika" <>
##What scanning software are libraries using with Minolta digital
##microform scanners?  I have heard Ariel, ESP+, and MicroDax 5.0
##mentioned.  We're investigating our options, and I'd like to hear what
##other library staff think of the software they are using.  Would anyone
##be interested in sharing their opinions of these (or other) software
##packages with me?
##thanks, Erika
##Erika Ripley
##Periodicals Librarian
##Fondren Library Center
##Southern Methodist University
##P.O. Box 750375
##Dallas, TX 75275-0375