Re: Arrangement of current periodicals -- Karen Chobot Stephen Clark 10 Sep 2002 21:03 UTC

-------- Original Message --------
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 14:20:38 -0500
From: Karen Chobot <>
Subject: Re: Arrangement of current periodicals -- Barbara Blummer

Hi - it seems to me that how you should do them would depend on how your
patrons look for materials.  At our community college, we display them
alphabetically since this is how our students think of them.  At a larger
institution, a classified scheme might work better to keep subjects
together for research.  I don't see much reason for following the system
you mention unless this somehow keeps subjects together.  If your patrons
are confused, think about how they do their work and use that as the
starting point.

At 01:59 PM 9/10/02 -0400, you wrote:

 >My predecessor arranged the current periodicals by grouping serials
 >according to professional association rather than alphabetically. For
 >example, all of the ACM publications are shelved together followed by
 >the AMS journals. This creates problems for individuals not familiar
 >with our shelving scheme.

Karen M. Chobot, MLS
Director, Mildred Johnson Library
800 N. 6th St.
Wahpeton ND 58076


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