Re: Fun serial titles -- 2 messages Stephen Clark 17 Sep 2002 16:26 UTC

2 messages:


-------- Original Message --------
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2002 10:01:35 -0500
From: "Diane Neumeister" <>
Subject: Re: Fun serial titles -- Beverly Butler

One of my favorites has been "American Journal of Ancient History."  The
title by itself isn't funny, but for many years this journal has been at
least 10 years behind in publication!  The history was TRULY ancient by
the time we read it!

(The publisher corrected that little problem by  starting a new series
this year with the current year as the date.)


Di Neumeister
Serials Coordinator
Loras College Library


From: Ann Sanford <>
Subject: RE: Fun serial titles -- Elizabeth Fenwick
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2002 08:41:12 -0700

How about my personal favorite, "AnUdder view" by the Nevada State Dairy

(OCLC # 47889663 in case you don't believe me)


Ann Sanford
Nevada State Library and Archives
Carson City, NV