Re: Newcomer question (3 messages) ERCELAA@CTRVAX.VANDERBILT.EDU 23 Jan 2003 14:18 UTC

3 messages:


Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2003 16:27:02 -0800
From: "Carol Morse" <>

I put a code in every check-in record for department, for example
d=music, d=phys (for physics), etc.  It is a searchable field.  Then I
run lists in the Innovative catalog.  Of course, your catalog must be
able to do this.  I list multi-disciplinary titles in more that one
department.  We keep these sheets in a binder at the desk.  I have had
to explain a few times to faculty who wanted titles taken off their list
that their department is not really paying for them:  all the
periodicals come out of a big pot.  Many have expressed appreciation for
this, since some teachers give assignments to browse journals in their
subject field.
Hope this helps,
Carol Morse

>>> langval@HVCC.EDU 01/22/03 12:59PM >>>

I am a relatively new periodicals librarian at Hudson Valley Community
College.  I would like to group our periodicals according to subject
provide this list in hardcopy format (in a binder), and also via a link
of our Library web page.

We have a very large, outdated binder titled "Periodicals:
Alphabetical by
Academic Division."  This will not work at this point; it is too
Our journals are physically arranged in the Library in alphabetical
so we really cannot base this prospective subject list of periodicals
on the
arrangement of our collection.

Does anyone have experience with creating such a list - and any advice
pitfalls to avoid, things that worked, etc.  Otherwise, I'll just


Valerie A. Lang
Periodicals Librarian
Troy, NY 12180


Subject: RE:      Newcomer question
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2003 08:41:20 -0500
From: "Bigley, Beth A" <>

Good morning, Valerie!  Do you have an online catalog that can search by
subjects (i.e. Chemistry periodicals, Poetry periodicals, etc.)?  I ask
because if it's online, I would suggest leaving it there.  If you do
have an online catalog, perhaps you could add a new index for
"periodicals", inputting the various "periodical" subject headings into

The reason for this recommendation is that a separate list is one more
database in which to update information.  When the title changes or
splits, you must remember to update your list to include the new title,
as well as cataloging it, creating new files for the loose issues, etc.
When would the old title be removed from your list?  How would you know
to remove it?

We are a public library and my unit used to be responsible for updating
a list that was distributed to our 10 libraries and also to several
neighboring county libraries.  Our list also included standing orders.
In essence, it was a listing of every title to which our library
subscribes.  The cross-referencing for title changes was a nightmare.
The cost for printing numerous copies became the determining factor in
eliminating this feature.

I understand the thinking that a list is handy; it is.  However, if the
catalog is online, then it's just a matter of re-training to get staff
and patrons to use the database to extract what they want.  We seem to
have done that and it's working well.

Good luck with whatever you all decide to do.  Have a good weekend!

Beth A. Bigley
Serials Supervisor
Prince William Public Library System
13083 Chinn Park Drive
Prince William, VA 22192-5073
(voice) 703-792-4803 // (fax) 703-792-4794

The opinions herein are mine and do not reflect those of the Prince
William Public Library System.


From: "Peter Picerno" <>
Subject: RE: Newcomer question
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2003 09:03:29 -0500

Hi  --

One of the pitfalls of listing journals by discipline is that some journals
are cross-disciplinary in nature, but that's no revelation!

A good place to start would be to ask your vendor to run a report of your
title list by LC classification which you then can translate into subject
headings. If your serials titles are cataloged, they could also be searched
by subject heading in your online catalog.

Good luck!

P Picerno

Dr. Peter V. Picerno
Acquisitions and Serials Librarian
Nova Southeastern University Libraries
3100 Ray Ferrero Jr Blvd
Fort Lauderdale   FL   33314-7796
(954) 262-4662
FAX (954) 262-3946