Re: item level serials holdings Hilary Barnes 30 Jan 2003 17:51 UTC

I am in the process of creating P.O's in Voyager for a serials recon after
a "data dump" of bib records from DataTrek. Perhaps I can offer a little
useful feedback for you: when you are in the Acquisitions module, proceed to
check in the issue. After the actual point of check-in, your checked-in
issue will be displayed in your OPAC (under the heading "Recent Issues")
unless you view the History on the title, and choose to select and toggle off "Display in OPAC" for the issue/s. We have chosen to display only the
most recent issue of each title in our OPAC. As for actual item records: only
our reference serials get the royal treatment (barcoding/ labelling). Hope
this helps.

You may search our OPAC at:

Hilary Barnes, Bellevue, WA

Cataloging Technician,
ViTassler Library
City University
Bellevue, WA 98005