Timberline Institute Preliminary Program Nancy Slight-Gibney 30 Jan 2003 22:59 UTC

(apologies for cross-posting)


Saturday, May 17, through Tuesday, May 20, 2003
Timberline Lodge, one hour east of Portland, Oregon on the slope of Mt. Hood

Preliminary Program (http://libweb.uoregon.edu/events/aitl/program.html)

Keynote Address

Collection Development in Interesting Times
Michael Gorman, Dean of Libraries, California State University, Fresno

The Scholarly Information Environment

Panel Discussion on Publishing and Information Distribution
Representatives (TBA) of major publishers will answer your questions on
trends and issues

Collection Management, Loss of Control and Risk Management
Mary Frances Casserly, University at Albany, State University of New York

Now You See It; Now You Don't
Bill Fisher, San Jose State University

External Forces Impacting 21st Century Library Collection Development
Ellen Safley and Carolyn Henebry, University of Texas at Dallas

Managing Digital Information Resources for Users

Managing Electronic Resources in a Time of Shrinking Budgets
Emily Miller-Francisco, Southern Oregon University

The Journal Stop: A Complete Serials Information System
Dan Lester and Peggy Cooper, Boise State University

Bringing Library Content to the Palm of Users' Hands
Denise Koufogiannakis and Pam Ryan, University of Alberta

Strategies for Effective Acquisitions and Collection Development

The Case for Acquisitions Standards in Integrated Library Systems
Katharine Farrell, Princeton University and Marc Truitt, University of
Notre Dame

Outsourcing your Overflow (Let the Vendor Do the Work for You)
Jeff Earnest and Bud Sonka, National University, San Diego

Gearing Up for the Next Insanely Great Thing: Training for New Skill Sets
and New Mindsets
Marita Kunkel, Oregon Institute of Technology, and Kit Kennedy, Swets Blackwell

Panel Discussion on Collection Assessment
Laurel Kristick, Oregon State University: Electronic Usage Statistics in
Renewal Decision Making
Cyril Oberlander and Dan Streeter, Portland State University:
Multi-Dimensional Collection Assessment
Diane Richards, Minnesota State University, Mankato: Student Outcomes
Mark Stengel, California State University, San Marcos: Using SFX to
Identify Unexpressed Needs


Registration Information:

The registration form is available at

For more information contact:

Richard Brumley
Head, Collection Development Department
Oregon State University Libraries
(541) 737-2118

The Acquisitions Institute home page: http://libweb.uoregon.edu/events/aitl/

Nancy Slight-Gibney
Director, Budget & Management Information Services
1299 University of Oregon Library
Eugene, OR 97403-1299         voice: 541/346-1831
email: nsg@uoregon.edu        fax:  541/346-3485