item-level holdings (clarification) Wolfe, S. J. 31 Jan 2003 13:08 UTC

Thanks to all who have answered. The information is useful for us.
I wasn't very clear, I guess about what I was asking. We have close to a
hundred thousand newspaper and periodical titles which date before 1876.
Plus thousands afterwards. For currently received periodicals serials check
in in Voyager works fine. What we are interested in doing is converting our
stark summary holdings into critically detailed online holdings (flagging
mutilated and/or cut items, flagging extras and supplements, identifying
missing and duplicate issues, etc.) We KNOW this is a daunting task, and as
far as I can tell, no one else is doing anything on so large a scale with
items which are out of print and no longer currently received.
SJ Wolfe

S.J. Wolfe
Senior Cataloguer and Serials Specialist
American Antiquarian Society