Re: Ulrich's (veronique.parenteau@BNQUEBEC.CA) David Goodman 31 Jan 2003 18:07 UTC

I strongly recommend the web version. The searching is more flexible, and it is updated more frequently--but the key feature is the links.
For those who have JCR, this is especialy important, as there are now links to it, giving this very important aditional information.

The only problem is that the web version only contains the current years' information. This may be no objection in some settings, but a research library that wishes to maintain an archival record still needs to obtain the print as well as the web.

Just ask for a trial and see for yourself.

Dr. David Goodman
Princeton University Library
Palmer School of Library & Information Science, Long Island University

----- Original Message -----
Date: Friday, January 31, 2003 11:54 am
Subject: Ulrich's (veronique.parenteau@BNQUEBEC.CA)

> From: Veronique Parenteau <>
> Subject: Ulrich's
> Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2003 11:40:32 -

> Hello all,
> I am considering the possibility of subscribing to Ulrich's. I know
> that the
> CD-ROM version (Ulrich's On Disc) is cheaper than the web version
> (, but I am wondering what are the other differences
> between
> these two versions.
> Veronique Parenteau
> Bibliothecaire
> Section des acquisitions et du developpement de la collection de
> pret et de
> reference
> Bibliotheque nationale du Quebec
> Courriel:
> >