Re: Dealing w/divine debacle fallout Sally Morris 07 Jan 2003 16:52 UTC

Most publishers grace for a minimum of 1 issue or 1 month, whichever is the
greater (and longer for e-access, if they have followed the advice of the
ASA).  No publisher expects grace copies to be returned - they are 'bread
upon the waters'.  Many publishers have said they will offer a longer grace
period to libraries whom they know to have subscribed in the past via
divine/RoweCom (of course, if you have switched to RoweCom and/or changed
your subscriptions this year, the publisher has no way of knowing unless you
tell them).   E-access, at least, may be offered for a longer period by many
if the issue is still unresolved after the end of February.


Sally Morris, Secretary-General
Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers
South House, The Street, Clapham, Worthing, West Sussex BN13 3UU, UK

Phone:  01903 871686 Fax:  01903 871457 E-mail:
ALPSP Website

----- Original Message -----
From: "Shirley Rais" <srais@LLU.EDU>
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 9:53 PM
Subject: Re: Dealing w/divine debacle fallout

> Jeanette:  Many publishers will send "grace" issues up to 3 months after a
cancellation.  I've noticed that whenever we have cancelled something.  I
> worry about them.
> Shirley Rais, Serials Librarian
> Loma Linda Univ. & Medical Center Libraries
> "Skwor, Jeanette" wrote:
> > What are you doing with Jan. 2003 issues that are coming in for which
renewals have not been paid?
> >
> > I've been told to stack them "in case publishers ask for them back."  My
understanding is that unordered merchandise is mine, and I can do with it as
I wish.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > ***~***~***~***~***~***~***~***~***~***~***
> >
> > Jeanette L. Skwor
> > Cofrin Library, Serials Dept.
> > U-W Green Bay
> > 2420 Nicolet Drive
> > Green Bay, WI  54311-7001
> >
> > My continual hope is for Peace on Earth,
> > Goodwill toward Men, and anything chocolate.
> >
> > ***~***~***~***~***~***~***~***~***~***~***