Routine Claiming (2 messages) Marcia Tuttle 07 Jan 2003 23:25 UTC

From: "Rick Anderson" <>
Subject: RE: Routine claiming (was RE: Faxon/Rowecom/divine)
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2003 14:34:10 -0800

> If you aren't claiming, you have apparently made the decision
> that it doesn't matter whether the users find the article they
> want or not.

Actually, just the opposite -- we've decided, based on pretty
incontrovertible usage statistics, that close management of our online
collection (which gets very heavy use) will give our users much better
access than close management of our print collection (which gets very light

> In that case, why are you even subscribing?

Because in the vast majority of cases, simply having the subscription
actually gets us the issues.  In many cases where we claim, in fact, the
issues we're claiming would have come even if we hadn't claimed them.

But listen, I'm sure no one on this list wants a repeat of the huge and
vociferous check-in thread that we endured last fall.  My boss and I have an
article coming out on the check-in question in volume 27, no. 1 of _Library
Collections, Acquisitions & Technical Services_.  Its title is "Implementing
the Unthinkable: The Demise of Journal Check-in at the University of Nevada,
Reno."  This article details our arguments against check-in, routine
claiming and binding.  I think I'll do the subscribers of this list a better
service by referring them to the article than by rehashing it here and
responding to all the reactions.  However, if anyone wishes to contact me
off-list with specific questions, I'll be happy to respond.

Rick Anderson
University of Nevada, Reno

Date: Wed, 08 Jan 2003 08:29:56 +1000
From: Jean Dartnall <>
Subject: Re: Routine claiming (was RE: Faxon/Rowecom/divine)

We are a regional university library with about 3000 serials subscriptions using
a mix of agents and direct purchase.  (divine in Australia does not seem to be
having the same problems as the US branch, thankfully).  We have considered the
value of agents and definitely think that one of the benefits is the ease of
online claiming. We find that online claiming has also reduced the volume of
unneeded claims and unwanted duplicates to cover some of the issues Rick
raises.  Staff time spent on this task is about the same though so I continue to
think about options.


Jean Dartnall
Serials Librarian

(07) 4781 4492 (tel)
(07) 4781 5886 (fax)

James Cook University
Queensland 4811