Invitation to submit articles Mary Jane Conger 09 Jan 2003 15:14 UTC

Posted to Serialst on behalf of Audrey Fenner, please reply to her

Invitation to write for The Acquisitions Librarian

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Readers are invited to submit articles for publication in an issue of
The Acquisitions Librarian. The theme of this issue will be the
integration of print and digital resources in library collections. Do
libraries truly integrate materials in all formats, or do they maintain
individual collections separated by format?

Possible topics include:
·       Providing access to e-journals in aggregated collections
·       Shifting the emphasis from print to online resources in library
reference work
·       Comparison of single and multiple record approaches in
·       Digitization of special or unique collections and materials
·       The effect of chat reference service on selecting reference
·       Library planning and electronic resources: how should libraries
change their floor plans?
·       Licensing issues and integrated collections: how the licensing
of electronic resources affects collection management

You are welcome to choose any of these topics, or another of your own.
Theoretical articles, research studies, "how-to" articles and opinion
pieces will be welcome. Articles may be written by individuals or

After the journal issue appears, it will be published as a book.

If you are interested in contributing an article, please contact me by
Jan. 24, 2003. I will then send you more detailed information and
article guidelines. My contact information appears below.

Audrey Fenner
Head, Acquisition Dept.
Jackson Library
University of North Carolina Greensboro
1000 Spring Garden Street (P.O. Box 26170)
Greensboro, NC 27402
Fax: 336-334-4731

Mary Jane Conger
Serials/Electronic Resources Cataloger
Jackson Library
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
PO BOX 26170
Greensboro, NC  27402-6170
phone: 336-334-5781