Re: Placing subscriptions direct with publishers Diane M Lewis 09 Jan 2003 14:23 UTC

Consolidating individual subscriptions with one vendor has some added
benefits, besides saving beaucoup staff time.  Vendors may offer
personalized reports on the subscription base,  periodical updates (title
changes, cessations, etc.),  and electronic claiming (a real bonus to
beleaguered serials librarians!), to name a few....

Diane M. Lewis, Serial Records Librarian
U.S. Geological Survey Library--MS950
Reston, Virginia  20192  USA
Tel. 703-648-4399
Fax 703-648-6376
"Wars are poor chisels for carving out peaceful tomorrows."--MLK, Jr.

"In  2001, Norway contributed $12.55 per capita to major international
agencies assisting refugees...the United States...$1.38."--Bulletin of the
Atomic Scientists, Nov./Dec. 2002.