Information on serials vendors (Linwood DeLong) SERIALST Moderator 13 Jan 2003 16:21 UTC

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2003 17:09:50 -0600
From: Linwood DeLong <>
Subject: Information on serials vendors

A senior administrator at our university is asking us to consider the
possibility of subscribing to our serials directly, rather than through a
serials vendor.  We subscribe to approx. print 1200 serials.

I wish to hear from undergraduate institutions that have tried eliminating
the use of a serials agent or serials vendor, either successfully, or

I would also like to know if there is up-to-date information on what most
serials vendors or serials agents are charging in the way of service
charges.  Are you aware of current information on this topic?

Please reply directly to me, as I do subscribe to SERIALST.

Thanks for any information that you can provide.


Linwood DeLong
Collections Coordinator
University of Winnipeg Library
515 Portage Ave.
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
R3B 2E9

Ph. (204) 786-9124
FAX (204) 786-1824
