SCCTP sessions at ALA Annual Patricia Thompson 14 Jan 2003 23:44 UTC

On Monday, 13 Jan, Jean Hirons wrote:
>From: Jean L Hirons <jhir@LOC.GOV>
>Subject: SCCTP sessions at ALA Annual
>This message is being cross-posted; please excuse the duplication.
>Dear Colleagues,
>In honor of CONSER's 30th anniversary, 4 SCCTP workshops will be held
>consecutively on Friday June 20th at the ALA/CLA annual meeting in
>Toronto. Current plans are to hold two sessions of Electronic Serials
>and two sessions of the new Integrating Resources workshop, which will
>be released this spring. The trainers will be Steve Shadle (University
>of Washington), Steve Miller (University of Wisconsin), Trina Grover
>(Ryerson University) and Elena Romaniuk (University of Victoria). The
>actual number of workshops for each course will be determined by
>Registration is now open through ALA and early bird (cheaper)
>registration is due by Feb. 22. There is information in the Dec. 2002
>American Libraries, page 81 on the Preconference. The registration
>link is at
>Additional information on the SCCTP workshops is available on the
>CONSER Web site at:

 From what I can tell from the registration materials, each session is a
full day and they are all being offered on the same day so you have to pick
one. Is this correct? I don't know which one to pick!  Any advice from
people who have attended one?
Pat Thompson