Agenda change, ALA Midwinter 2003 John Radencich 16 Jan 2003 12:43 UTC

Dear colleague,

    There has been a change of speakers for the Monday meeting of
the Committee to Study Serials Cataloging at ALA Midwinter.  For
item #7 the original speaker was to be Jean Hirons, from the
Library of Congress.  In her place will be Everett Allgood, from
New York University.  Everett is the chair of the CONSER task
force that is studying FRBR and serials.  Accordingly he will be
well placed to give an authoritative update.  The committee is
looking forward to hearing what he has to say.
    The updated agenda is posted below.


John Radencich
Library-Cataloging Dept.
Florida International University
Miami, Florida 33199

Date:         Monday, Jan. 27, 2002, 2:00-4:00 pm
Location:   Convention Center, Room 201B
                 Philadelphia, PA


I.   Welcome and Introduction of CSSC Members – John Radencich,
Library, Florida International University and Chair, Committee to
Study Serials Cataloging

II. Announcements – John Radencich.

III. Report from CC:DA – David Van Hoy, Serials Cataloger,
Library, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

IV. News and Reports from the Library of Congress, National
Serials Data Program, and CONSER – Regina R. Reynolds, Head,
National Serials Data Program, Library of Congress.

V. Library of Congress Action Plan on Bibliographic Control of
Web Resources – Judy Mansfield, Acting Head, Cataloging Division,
Library of Congress.

VI. Single Records for Online Versions of Print Serials – Becky
Culbertson, University of California, San Diego.

VII. FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records).  A
report on the CONSER Task Force on FRBR and Serials – Everett
Allgood, Serials Cataloger, New York University Libraries.

VIII. Questions and Answers.