Electronic claims (was Re: Newcomer question) Lauren Corbett 01 Feb 2003 00:26 UTC

Just a note to say that the ideal electronic claiming isn't happening
yet.  We cannot electronically generate claims from our library systems
that can be received by subscription agents as files that can be machine
processed by them.  We need to continue to ask our systems vendors for
this capability or it won't happen.

It is possible to generate a file from at least some library systems
which can then be emailed to subscription agents, but they then have to
manipulate that file rather than simply loading it into their systems.


Valerie A. Lang wrote:

>Thank you ALL for your suggestions.  I am considering each one carefully and
>appreciate the help.  What a great list!
>-----Original Message-----
>From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
>[mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU]On Behalf Of Steve Black
>Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 9:27 AM
>Subject: Re: Newcomer question
>  A partial solution is the periodical index by subject heading that OCLC
>can provide you (I'm assuming your holdings are in OCLC).
>  But that won't answer the question, "What are all your [discipline]
>periodicals?".  If you choose to make a discipline-area list separtate from
>your online catalog, make it work for budgeting, too.  That is, if you need
>to make departmental budget reports, set up your database or spreadsheet so
>that you can create budget reports and create lists from the same file.
>Avoid duplication of data in separate files if at all possible.  When
>periodicals information is in separate files, you're forced to update
>information with title changes, etc. in multiple places.
>  If you can do it within DRA, your library system, all the better.  It
>depends on the reporting capabilities in DRA, but you may be able to add the
>information you need to make your reports in one of the local note fields in
>your MARC records.  I have no experience with DRA, so I don't know what's
>  If you're a glutton for punishment, another approach is to make lists of
>titles you own for each of the bibliographic databases your library offers.
>But those lists can be pretty volatile, so the care and feeding of the lists
>can be overwhelming.  We use Serials Solutions to solve that problem, and
>have been very happy with it.  However, it doesn't provide any subject
>heading access--it just provides an up-to-date list of all the available
>journals, online or in print.
>Steve Black
>Reference, Instruction, and Serials Librarian
>Neil Hellman Library
>The College of Saint Rose
>392 Western Ave.
>Albany, NY 12203
>(518) 458-5494
>-----Original Message-----
>From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
>[mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU]On Behalf Of Valerie A. Lang
>Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 4:00 PM
>Subject: Newcomer question
>I am a relatively new periodicals librarian at Hudson Valley Community
>College.  I would like to group our periodicals according to subject matter,
>provide this list in hardcopy format (in a binder), and also via a link off
>of our Library web page.
>We have a very large, outdated binder titled "Periodicals:  Alphabetical by
>Academic Division."  This will not work at this point; it is too outdated.
>Our journals are physically arranged in the Library in alphabetical order,
>so we really cannot base this prospective subject list of periodicals on the
>arrangement of our collection.
>Does anyone have experience with creating such a list - and any advice on
>pitfalls to avoid, things that worked, etc.  Otherwise, I'll just start
>Valerie A. Lang
>Periodicals Librarian
>Troy, NY 12180

Lauren Corbett
Acquisitions Team Leader &
Interim Division Leader for Information Resources
Emory University -- Woodruff Library
ph: 404 712 1818
fax: 404 727 0408