Embargoed titles holding statements-summary Burke, Jane 02 Sep 2003 19:36 UTC

Thanks to all who responded to my request for guidance on formatting
holdings statements for embargoed journal titles.
Some of you replied directly to me and some to the list.  I was asked to
summarize for the list.  Here goes:

> There seem to be 2 distinct opinions:
> Start with NO or a negative to clearly indicate that issues aren't
> available since the assumption is people don't pay much attention or read
> very far anyway
> or
> Be positive and make sure that what IS available is clearly stated instead
> of stressing what's not there.
> Here they all are:
> "Recent 3 years not available on JSTOR" -- or whichever database.
> "No full-text for latest 2 years."
> See database for full-text coverage. Full-text unavailable for latest year
> "Free x months (or
> years) after publication"
> v.1(1926)- [Latest 5 years not available online]
> Current 2 years not available here
> Current year unavailable.
> vol. 24- (1995-) Current issues delayed.
> (Due to publisher > restrictions, the most recent 12 months are not
> available.)
> Available: 1985 to 2
> years ago. In general we try to use positive language and would choose the
> "available" over the "unavailable" language.
> Our solution is to
> restate available years every January, during Christmas break, so we will
> move the holdings from 1895 - 1997 to 1895 - 1998.  Takes a bit of time,
> but holdings always accurate.
>  we developed standard macro (using QuicKeys
> software) that permits us, with one simple keystroke, to add a $z note
> after the 866 summary level holdings data (in the MARC holdings record).
> For example:
> 856 41 $u http://www.jstor.org/journals/00221953.html
> 866 31 $8 0 $a v.1 (1970)- $z *(excludes most recent 5 years due to
> publisher's license)
> i.e., "5" or however many years.  The macro:
> $z *(excludes most recent X years due to publisher's license)
> 'Online version available x months after print publication.'
> I think that you should start with the word No as in:
> No full text for latest 2 years
> "Full text available, excluding last two years"
>  we add beside the
> title (Current 2 years only)
> Mar. 1992 -  (excluding most recent 18 months)
> 1992-  (excluding current 2 years)
> v.5(1995)-2 years ago
> "(latest [fill in the time period] unavailable)"
> "Lack most recent 12 months"
> "Articles for most recent 3 years not available online."
> Available: 1995-three years ago
> Online access to issues two years after publication
> Journal of XYZ  1995-
> Latest 2 years not available; back issues only.
> Academic questions : AQ
> * v.1 (1987/1988)- Latest 6 months not available.
> American historical review
> * v.1 (1895/1896)- Latest 5 years not available.
> * v.104 (1999)-
Jane D. Burke
Information Specialist
Groton Laboratories
Pfizer Inc
PGRD Library
MS 8118-05
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Groton  CT  06340

 (860) 441-0683  (voice)
 (860) 441-8519  (fax)

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