NEDCC's Off the Wall and On-Line - Las Vegas! Juanita Singh 04 Sep 2003 13:22 UTC

NEDCC's Off the Wall & Online, Las Vegas

Off the Wall and Online:
Providing Web Access to Cultural Collections

November 4-5, 2003
The Riviera Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada
A Two-day Conference Presented by the

Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC)

As a pre-conference to the Museum Computer Network's 2003 Conference
(MCN 2003)**

What is "Off the Wall and Online?"  This conference explores
digitization for collections management and education in museums and
other cultural institutions of all sizes.  The faculty includes museum
and library professionals, technical experts, educators, and
administrators, who will discuss a broad range of highly relevant
topics, including:

Changing Missions: Implications of the

    Online Audience

Stepping Through a Project: Conception to Implementation

The Collaboration Imperative

Technology Choices

Navigating the Metadata Maze

Copyright Considerations in a Digital World


The Preservation Challenge

Leveraging Your Investment in Digitization for Multiple Uses

Multi-purposing Photographs

Who should attend?  This conference is designed for museums and other
cultural institutions that are digitizing or planning to digitize
collections for collections management, education, or both.  Museum
administrators, educators, collections management staff, and digital
project managers are the primary audience.  Staff from other cultural
institutions, such as libraries, archives, and historical societies will
also find much worthwhile content in the sessions offered.

This conference is funded in part by a grant from the National Endowment
for the Arts (NEA).  NEDCC also receives financial support for its field
service activities from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
and the Massachusetts Cultural Council.  This conference is co-sponsored
by the Museum Computer Network, the Historic New Orleans Collection and
the Balboa Art Conservation Center.

Registration information is available on NEDCC's Web site at

or contact Ginny Hughes at