Re: newspaper display alternatives Dani Lichtenberg 30 Sep 2003 18:04 UTC

At the Main Library of the Palm Beach County Library System, we subscribe to about 50 newspapers which we store on flat shelving for use by our patrons.  We keep about a week's worth of the dailies (more of the weeklies) out in the public area.  Yes, they require a bit of straightening and rearranging each morning, but the person who puts out the morning papers does this as her normal routine.  We can fit 2-3 newspaper titles side-by-side per shelf, depending on the size, so we have twenty shelves for newspapers.  The titles are arranged in alphabetical order and the shelves are labeled.  We have a diverse population of business people, retirees, homeless, and students, and the arrangement seems to work well for us.

Dani Lichtenberg
Main Library Reference Manager
Palm Beach County Library System

        -----Original Message-----
        From: Essency, Janet [mailto:JEssency@BRIDGEW.EDU]
        Sent: Tue 9/30/2003 1:15 PM
        Subject: newspaper display alternatives

        We are a state college with 10,000 students , primarily undergraduates. We
        display the latest issue of our newspaper on those newspaper sticks. These
        are not a favorite with either our patrons or our staff. We are exploring
        alternatives. What are other libraries using to display your newspapers? I
        will summarize for the list if there is an interest. Janet Essency
        Collection Management Librarian - Serials
        Clement C. Maxwell Library
        Bridgewater State College
        Bridgewater, MA 02325
        (508) 531-6159