Configuring link resolvers: Is it possible? Anne Frohlich 30 Sep 2003 18:42 UTC

I am working with a link resolver so that if we have a full text journal in
one database the link will show up next to the citation in the others.  I
am finding the link resolver I am trying very clunky.  Is clunky the state
of the art right now? Do you know of a link resolver which you can
configure to truly fit your system?

This is how we would like to be able to configure a link resolver:

When setting up Link Resolvers and other database options

1.  In all cases in which we own the material in paper, we would like
"Search your catalog" to be displayed.

2.  If full text in current database, do not show full text in other databases.

3.  If not full text in current database, show full text available in all
other databases.

4.  If not full text in any database, show "Search your catalog" if it is
in library catalog.

5.  If not in library catalog, do not show Link Resolver "Search your catalog".

6. If not available full text and not in our paper serials collection in
the catalog, show ILL option.

However, what we get is a link to a link resolver screen where every
database that has the journal full text is listed, like this:  All these
choices will only confuse our patrons and cause them to ignore the option.

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Anne Frohlich, Serials Librarian
McNeese State University Library
Box 91445
Lake Charles, LA 70609
Phone: 337-475-5741
Fax:     337-475-5719