Re: Journal of Advertising Research Jill Garbs 04 Sep 2003 22:03 UTC

We have received v. 43, nos. 1 & 2 (March & June); received June just

Jill Garbs
Acting Director, Technical and Access Services
Library & Information Services
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Box 1063
Edwardsville, IL 62026
1-618-650-3732 fax

Max Shenk wrote:

> Hi all... can anybody who subscribes to the above journal tell me what
> the most recent issue received is? Is this title behind publication?
> We haven't received a copy since March, and that issue (v. 42, no. 6;
> Nov-Dec 02) was several months behind schedule. Ebsco's claims page
> shows that v. 43 no 1 (Jan-Feb 2003) was published; that's the most
> recent issue shown.
> "I'm the boss. Need the info." --Dr. Evil
> Thanks for any help you can pass along. Take care!
> Max Shenk
> Periodicals Assistant
> Montgomery County Community College Library
> Blue Bell, PA
> 215-641-6597