How do you keep the New York Times (2 messages) Ann Ercelawn 17 Sep 2003 16:30 UTC

2 messages:

Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 10:40:15 -0500
Thread-Topic: How do you keep the New York Times?
From: "Oberg, Steve" <STOBERG@TAYLORU.EDU>


We only retain the most recent three months of the print.  We
decided to subscribe to ProQuest's Historical Newspapers NY Times,
which provides access to full text plus images (PDF) for the entire
backfile from its inception in 1851 through 2001.  This replaces
our expensive microfilm subscription -- yes, we've cancelled that
-- and it replaces our subscription to the print index (yes, we
cancelled that, too).  Useage has jumped as a result.


-----Original Message-----
From: arnoldd [mailto:arnoldd@CHC.EDU]
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 10:11 AM
Subject: How do you keep the New York Times?


We've just received our microform renewal and are considering our options.
The New York Times is the only title we continue to keep on microfilm and
the price is enough to pay for a new database subscription. We currently
subscribe to Lexis/Nexis (full text of the NYT from 1980- present
excluding some freelance stuff that is copyright protected), but our
commuters can't access it from off campus -- just as they can't access the
microfilm from off campus!

How do you provide access to the back issues of  the NYT?

Thank you,

Diane Arnold
Logue Library
Chestnut Hill College
Philadelphia, PA


Subject: RE: How do you keep the New York Times?
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 11:37:02 -0400
From: "Dani Lichtenberg" <>

We also have NY Times on microfilm, which we will continue to
receive. However, we've just subscribed to an interesting new
database: ProQuest's NY Times Historical, which provides fully
keyword searchable pdf images of every page and every article from
the NY Times from 1851-1999 (they say 1999, but I think it is even
more recent than that).  So this includes classifieds, ads, etc.
They say it is everything, cover-to-cover.  We have remote access
to the database as well.  You may want to look into that.

Dani Lichtenberg
Main Library Reference Manager
Palm Beach County Library System