Re: Numbering error in The Spectator Martin W. Helgesen 18 Sep 2003 13:21 UTC

On Thu, 11 Sep 2003 13:15:02 EDT Martin W. Helgesen said:
>The 16 August issue is number 9132.  The 23 August issue is number 9133.
>Unfortunately, the 30 August issue also is number 9133.  The 6 September
>issue issue is 9134, which is consistent with the numbering of the 30
>August issue but not with any other issues.
>I have sent e-mail to The Spectator calling their attention to the problem.

And here is the reply.  Note the change in volume number as well as the
correction of the issue number problem.
---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Spectator Feedback <>
Date:   Thu, 18 Sep 2003 12:44:41 +0100

Dear Mr Helgesen

Many apologies for the delay in replying.

The numbers for the 23 and 30 August issues both appeared as volume number
292; issue no. 9133. The volume number was correct but, due to a typing
error, the issue number was incorrect in the second instance; i.e: the 30
August was issue no. 9134. Unfortunately this error was not spotted until
after the next issue (6 September) had gone to press. Therefore, this issue
was also incorrectly numbered. It should have been volume 293; issue no.
The issue of 13 September is therefore volume 293; issue no. 9136. We
will then be back on track. Our apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Best wishes
Pete Snow
Online Editor


Martin W. Helgesen
Cohen Library          Voice: 212 650-5871 FAX: 212 650-7604
City College of New York, Convent Avenue and 138th Street
New York, New York 10031

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