Re: Medieval Philosophy & Theology (2 messages) Ann Ercelawn 22 Sep 2003 19:27 UTC

2 messages:


Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 15:03:18 -0400
From: Jim Latchney <>
Subject: Re: Medieval Philosophy & Theology

We rec'd v. 10 no. 1-2 2001 Spring-Fall, no. 2 being recorded on

--On Monday, September 22, 2003 12:40 PM -0500 Deb Ham
<dldham@CREIGHTON.EDU> wrote:


  I just read on the Cambridge University Press website that the
journal Medieval Philosophy and Theology is ceasing publication.
Does anyone have an inside scoop on what volume it is ending with?
The last volume we received from them was v. 9, cover chronology of
2000, but not received until 2001.
Volume 10 has been promised for 2 years now and am just wondering
if we are supposed to expect a refund for this title for 2003?

Deb Ham
Serials Associate
Reinert Alumni Memorial Library

Creighton University
2500 California Plaza
Omaha, NE 68178
402-280-1802 (phone)
402-280-2435 (fax)

Jim Latchney
Serials Cataloguing Unit
University Libraries
University of Michigan
320 Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1205
phone: (734) 763 3426
fax: (734) 615-5138


Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 14:56:06 -0400
From: Marilyn Gane <>
Subject: Re: Medieval Philosophy & Theology

Hello Deb
We received Medieval Philosophy and Theology v10:2 dated Fall 2001
in April of 2003.
Thanks for the notice of cessation - I wonder when it will be
Marilyn Gane
Andrew University