Re: Configuring link resolvers: Is it possible? Scott Stangroom 01 Oct 2003 12:46 UTC

Dear Anne,
Have you thought about SFX ( by ExLibris
(  We use it a Boston College.  It takes a fair
amount of front end set up, but works great.  Our resident guru here is
Theresa Lyman (

At 01:42 PM 9/30/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>I am working with a link resolver so that if we have a full text journal in
>one database the link will show up next to the citation in the others.  I
>am finding the link resolver I am trying very clunky.  Is clunky the state
>of the art right now? Do you know of a link resolver which you can
>configure to truly fit your system?
>This is how we would like to be able to configure a link resolver:
>When setting up Link Resolvers and other database options
>1.  In all cases in which we own the material in paper, we would like
>"Search your catalog" to be displayed.
>2.  If full text in current database, do not show full text in other
>3.  If not full text in current database, show full text available in all
>other databases.
>4.  If not full text in any database, show "Search your catalog" if it is
>in library catalog.
>5.  If not in library catalog, do not show Link Resolver "Search your
>6. If not available full text and not in our paper serials collection in
>the catalog, show ILL option.
>However, what we get is a link to a link resolver screen where every
>database that has the journal full text is listed, like this:  All these
>choices will only confuse our patrons and cause them to ignore the option.
>View full text available on xxxxxx
>View all articles in this issue
>Find this article full text from yyyyyyyyyy (we have 3 databases from same
>Find this article full text from yyyyyyyyyy
>Find this article full text from yyyyyyyyyy
>Find this article full text from zzzzzz
>Full text through aaaaaaaaa
>Search your catalog
>Anne Frohlich, Serials Librarian
>McNeese State University Library
>Box 91445
>Lake Charles, LA 70609
>Phone: 337-475-5741
>Fax:     337-475-5719

Scott Stangroom
Electronic Resources and Systems Librarian
O'Neill Library
Boston College
140 Commonwealth Ave.
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
tel: 617.552.1907
fax: 617.552.0599