Re: Odd question Guy Aron 15 Oct 2003 06:14 UTC

A colleague of mine here at RMIT has informed me about a numbering peculiarity with the Australian title Stock and Land. Issue #36 for 2003 was missed out completely, and there were two issues numbered #40. Rural Press claim they have now corrected the problem, and that the issue for 9 October 2003 is correctly numbered #41. My source isn't so sure they have corrected it, so there may be yet another issue #40 for 2003. Subscribing libraries obviously need to treat this title like a brown snake in a woodheap, i.e. with extreme caution.

Inter alia, my colleague poses the question "Serials policy was always to faithfully record what was imprinted on the issue. One wonders if this practice is consistently followed in electronic publishing."

Guy Aron
Business and Social Sciences Team
Library Resources and Access Unit
RMIT University Library
Melbourne, Australia