Re: Brain research. Molecular brain research Anneke Houtkamp 16 Oct 2003 05:32 UTC

Molecular brain research is a supplement publication with Brain research. The title in the record for this publication should be: Molecular brain research, since it is a sufficiently independent title.
Brain research itself is still being published, so an annotation in that record that it 'split' would be wrong.

The catalogue record for the paper version in the GGC (Dutch shared cataloguing system) is:
Molecular brain research : a section of 'Brain research' devoted to the publication of molecular studies. - Vol. 1 (1986) - vol. 4 (1988) = vol. 387 (1986) - vol. 464 (1988) ; vol. 5, no. 1 (Jan. 1989) - .... - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 1986-.... - 26 cm
Verschijnt 1× per 2 maanden; later 1× per 3 maanden. - Suppl. op: Brain research = ISSN 0006-8993. - Ook verschenen in elektronische vorm.
ISSN 0169-328X = Molecular brain research

and for the online version:
Molecular brain research [Online Resource] : a section of Brain Research devoted to the publication of molecular studies. - [S.l.] : Elsevier Science ; [New York, NY] : ScienceDirect [Host], 1995-...

hope this helps,

Anneke Houtkamp
UBVU - Free University, Amsterdam, University library
The Netherlands

>>>We are currently working on the title: Molecular brain research
The record we find on OCLC is *39061866, with the following: 130 0  Brain research. ßp Molecular brain research (Online)
245 00 Brain research. ßp Molecular brain research ßh [electronic resource].

I understand the the original publication, Brain research, split into several parts back in the 1980s.
... online  ... it is simply called: Molecular brain research.  For those of you having access to ScienceDirect, the URL is:

If anyone still gets this in paper, I would like to have some verification that Brain research should still be considered part of the title.  But if
the online version does not reflect this, should the online version continue to use that title?  or simply be cataloged as Molecular brain research?<<<

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Automatic digest processor [mailto:LISTSERV@LIST.UVM.EDU]
Verzonden: donderdag 16 oktober 2003 5:00
Aan: Recipients of SERIALST digests
Onderwerp: SERIALST Digest - <first ever> to 15 Oct 2003 (#2003-1)

There are 6 messages totalling 383 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. Odd question
  2. NASIG Conference Student Grant Announcement
  3. NASIG/SISAC Fritz Schwartz Serials Education Scholarship (2)
  4. Brain research. Molecular brain research
  5. Legacy system to manage print and electronic journals?


Date:    Wed, 15 Oct 2003 16:14:24 +1000
From:    Guy Aron <guy.aron@RMIT.EDU.AU>
Subject: Re: Odd question

A colleague of mine here at RMIT has informed me about a numbering peculiarity with the Australian title Stock and Land. Issue #36 for 2003 was missed out completely, and there were two issues numbered #40. Rural Press claim they have now corrected the problem, and that the issue for 9 October 2003 is correctly numbered #41. My source isn't so sure they have corrected it, so there may be yet another issue #40 for 2003. Subscribing libraries obviously need to treat this title like a brown snake in a woodheap, i.e. with extreme caution.

Inter alia, my colleague poses the question "Serials policy was always to faithfully record what was imprinted on the issue. One wonders if this practice is consistently followed in electronic publishing."

Guy Aron
Business and Social Sciences Team
Library Resources and Access Unit
RMIT University Library
Melbourne, Australia


Date:    Tue, 14 Oct 2003 20:51:14 -0400
From:    Eleanor Cook <eicook@APPTECHNC.NET>
Subject: NASIG Conference Student Grant Announcement


The North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG) is currently seeking
candidates for grants to attend the Nineteenth Annual Conference to be
held at the Historic Hilton Milwaukee City Center Milwaukee, Wisconsin,
June 17-20, 2004. Established in 1985, NASIG is an independent,
international organization that promotes communication and sharing of
ideas among all members of the serials information chain - anyone
working with or concerned about serials. For more information about
NASIG, please see the NASIG web page at

Through the granting of these awards, NASIG desires to encourage
participation in this information chain by students who are interested
in pursuing some aspect of serials work upon completion of their
professional degrees. Each year the annual conference is held in a
different city where the various segments of the serials community
(including publishers, vendors, and librarians) meet in an informal
setting to network and share information. The conference includes the
presentation of papers, panels, workshops, tours, and social events.

SCOPE OF AWARD: Recipients are expected to attend the entire conference
and submit a brief written report to NASIG, which will be excerpted for
publication in the NASIG Newsletter. Expenses for travel, registration,
meals, and lodging will be paid by NASIG. Each recipient will also
receive a year's membership in NASIG.

ELIGIBILITY: Students who are currently enrolled at the graduate level
in a library school ALA-accredited now and/or at the time of enrollment,
who do not already have an ALA accredited degree, and who have expressed
an interest in some aspect of serials work, are eligible. Applicants
must be full- or part-time students at the time of application. In order
to accept an award, a recipient must not be employed in a position
requiring an ALA accredited degree, or on leave from such a position, at
the time of acceptance of the grant. Equal consideration will be given
to all qualified applicants, with preference given to those earning
their degrees the year of the conference. Students do not have to be
NASIG members to apply, and they must not have earned their degrees
earlier than the end of the school year prior to the NASIG conference.
Applicants must not have attended a previous NASIG conference, but may
have participated in a NASIG conference as a local volunteer.

APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Application forms are available through the NASIG
Web Page
in the December issue of the NASIG Newsletter, and from Rachel L. Frick,
Co-Chair, Awards & Recognition Committee. Completed applications should
be emailed as Microsoft Word or plain text attachments to:

     Rachel L. Frick
     Co-Chair, NASIG Awards & Recognition Committee
     University of Richmond
     Boatwright Memorial Library
     Phone: (804) 289-8942

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications must be emailed by FEBRUARY 15, 2004.
Applications emailed after this date will not be considered.

AWARD NOTIFICATION: Award recipients will be notified by APRIL 1, 2004.


Date:    Tue, 14 Oct 2003 20:48:00 -0400
From:    Eleanor Cook <eicook@APPTECHNC.NET>
Subject: NASIG/SISAC Fritz Schwartz Serials Education Scholarship


Sponsored by NASIG and SISAC

The North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG) and the Serials
Industry Systems Advisory Committee (SISAC) team up each year to award a
$2500 scholarship to a library science graduate student who demonstrates
excellence in scholarship and the potential for accomplishment in a
serials career. The purpose of the scholarship is to advance the serials
profession by providing an aspiring library student who has prior
serials experience with enhanced educational opportunities.

In addition to the scholarship, the recipient will also receive a
Student Grant Award to attend the NASIG conference for the year in which
the scholarship is granted and will receive a one-year NASIG membership.
The Nineteenth Annual Conference will be held at the Historic Hilton
Milwaukee City Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June 17-20, 2004.

The award is named in honor of Fritz Schwartz, who was a well-known and
highly respected authority on Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), the
Internet, and library standards. A frequent speaker at NASIG annual
conferences, his last NASIG appearance was to conduct a highly rated
workshop at the 10th Conference at Duke University. He actively
participated in various committees within SISAC, the National
Information Standards Organization (NISO), and the International
Committee on EDI for Serials (ICEDIS). At the time of his death, Fritz
was Manager of Electronic Services and Standards at the Faxon Company.
NASIG and SISAC are pleased to offer this scholarship in memory of
Fritz's many contributions to the library profession and to honor his
energy, warmth, humor, and passion for standards.

ELIGIBILITY: At the time the scholarship is awarded, the applicant must
be entering an ALA-accredited graduate library program or must have
completed no more than twelve hours of academic requirements towards the
graduate degree at a graduate library program accredited at the time of
enrollment. The applicant must have serials-related work experience and
a desire to pursue a professional serials career after earning the
graduate library degree.

The following materials are required to be submitted electronically
either in Microsoft Word or plain text (.txt) format by the applicant:

A completed application form;
Letters of reference from two information professionals;
A resume or curriculum vita;
A statement of the applicant's career objectives (not to exceed 250
A statement describing how the applicant's qualifications satisfy the
eligibility requirements and the purpose of the award (not to exceed 250
The award winner will be required to be enrolled for a minimum of six
credit hours of library/information science courses per semester/quarter
during the academic year that the award is granted. The award winner
will be ineligible to reapply for the scholarship. Only one scholarship
will be awarded per academic year.

Application forms are available through the NASIG Web Page
and from Rachel L. Frick, Co-Chair, Awards & Recognition Committee.
Applications will only be accepted in electronic form. Completed
applications and all related materials should be e-mailed to:

     Rachel L. Frick
     Co-Chair, NASIG Awards & Recognition Committee
     University of Richmond
     Phone: (804) 289-8942

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications and related materials must be emailed
by FEBRUARY 15, 2004. Applications emailed after this date will not be

AWARD NOTIFICATION: The award recipient will be notified by APRIL 1,

NASIG is an independent, international organization committed to
promoting communication and sharing of ideas among all people working
with or concerned about serial publications. More information about the
organization is available at SISAC provides a
forum for professionals throughout the entire serials chain to work
together in developing standardized formats with which to electronically
transmit serials information. More information about SISAC is available
through the Book Industry Study Group site:


Date:    Wed, 15 Oct 2003 09:48:11 -0400
From:    "Sandhya D. Srivastava" <LIBRSDS@MAIL1.HOFSTRA.EDU>
Subject: Re: NASIG/SISAC Fritz Schwartz Serials Education Scholarship

Is the Fritz Schwartz Scholarship open to only graduate LIS students or
can doctoral students also apply?

Sandhya Srivastava

Sandhya D. Srivastava
Assistant Professor
Serials Librarian
Hofstra University
Axinn Library
123 Hofstra University
Hempstead, New York 11550
Telephone: (516) 463 - 5959
Fax: (516) 463 - 6438

>>> eicook@APPTECHNC.NET 10/14/03 08:48PM >>>

Sponsored by NASIG and SISAC

The North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG) and the Serials
Industry Systems Advisory Committee (SISAC) team up each year to award
$2500 scholarship to a library science graduate student who
excellence in scholarship and the potential for accomplishment in a
serials career. The purpose of the scholarship is to advance the
profession by providing an aspiring library student who has prior
serials experience with enhanced educational opportunities.

In addition to the scholarship, the recipient will also receive a
Student Grant Award to attend the NASIG conference for the year in
the scholarship is granted and will receive a one-year NASIG
The Nineteenth Annual Conference will be held at the Historic Hilton
Milwaukee City Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June 17-20, 2004.

The award is named in honor of Fritz Schwartz, who was a well-known
highly respected authority on Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), the
Internet, and library standards. A frequent speaker at NASIG annual
conferences, his last NASIG appearance was to conduct a highly rated
workshop at the 10th Conference at Duke University. He actively
participated in various committees within SISAC, the National
Information Standards Organization (NISO), and the International
Committee on EDI for Serials (ICEDIS). At the time of his death, Fritz
was Manager of Electronic Services and Standards at the Faxon Company.
NASIG and SISAC are pleased to offer this scholarship in memory of
Fritz's many contributions to the library profession and to honor his
energy, warmth, humor, and passion for standards.

ELIGIBILITY: At the time the scholarship is awarded, the applicant
be entering an ALA-accredited graduate library program or must have
completed no more than twelve hours of academic requirements towards
graduate degree at a graduate library program accredited at the time
enrollment. The applicant must have serials-related work experience
a desire to pursue a professional serials career after earning the
graduate library degree.

The following materials are required to be submitted electronically
either in Microsoft Word or plain text (.txt) format by the applicant:

A completed application form;
Letters of reference from two information professionals;
A resume or curriculum vita;
A statement of the applicant's career objectives (not to exceed 250
A statement describing how the applicant's qualifications satisfy the
eligibility requirements and the purpose of the award (not to exceed
The award winner will be required to be enrolled for a minimum of six
credit hours of library/information science courses per
during the academic year that the award is granted. The award winner
will be ineligible to reapply for the scholarship. Only one
will be awarded per academic year.

Application forms are available through the NASIG Web Page
and from Rachel L. Frick, Co-Chair, Awards & Recognition Committee.
Applications will only be accepted in electronic form. Completed
applications and all related materials should be e-mailed to:

     Rachel L. Frick
     Co-Chair, NASIG Awards & Recognition Committee
     University of Richmond
     Phone: (804) 289-8942

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications and related materials must be
by FEBRUARY 15, 2004. Applications emailed after this date will not be

AWARD NOTIFICATION: The award recipient will be notified by APRIL 1,

NASIG is an independent, international organization committed to
promoting communication and sharing of ideas among all people working
with or concerned about serial publications. More information about
organization is available at SISAC provides a
forum for professionals throughout the entire serials chain to work
together in developing standardized formats with which to
transmit serials information. More information about SISAC is
through the Book Industry Study Group site:


Date:    Wed, 15 Oct 2003 13:20:07 -0500
From:    Paula Coulthard <paula.coulthard@UNI.EDU>
Subject: Brain research. Molecular brain research


We are in the process of getting our online holdings for ScienceDirect in
our local catalog.  We do not have the print counter-part for many of these

We are currently working on the title: Molecular brain research
The record we find on OCLC is *39061866, with the following:
130 0  Brain research. ßp Molecular brain research (Online)
245 00 Brain research. ßp Molecular brain research ßh [electronic resource].

I understand the the original publication, Brain research, split into
several parts back in the 1980s.  However, I cannot find any evidence from
the online record that Brain research should continue to be a part of the
title.  It does not appear on the virtual cover, it is not included in any
online reference to the title, it is simply called: Molecular brain
research.  For those of you having access to ScienceDirect, the URL is:

If anyone still gets this in paper, I would like to have some verification
that Brain research should still be considered part of the title.  But if
the online version does not reflect this, should the online version continue
to use that title?  or simply be cataloged as Molecular brain research?

Thanks for any help!!

Paula Coulthard
LA IV, Cataloging Dept.
Rod Library, UNI
Cedar Falls, IA 50613
(319) 273-2781


Date:    Wed, 15 Oct 2003 17:07:29 -0600
From:    "Marshall, Susan" <smarshall@MONTANA.EDU>
Subject: Legacy system to manage print and electronic journals?

Has anyone developed a legacy system to keep track of your print and
electronic journal packages and individual subscriptions?
I am looking at creating a relational database with MySQL with a web
interface.  Has anyone done something like this?

Currently, we have a huge Excel spreadsheet with the info on it but it is
very inflexible as far as reporting goes.
Also, I am not interested in using Microsoft Access.
 Any other ideas?

(We are current satisfied Serials Solutions users and will keep them but
that system is limited as far as manipulating data and reporting goes.)
(Also, I am not happy with our subscription agent who is currently
"managing" our subscriptions. I think we could save a lot of money by
keeping track on our own.....)

Sue Marshall
Electronic Resources Librarian
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT 59715
(406) 994-4313


End of SERIALST Digest - <first ever> to 15 Oct 2003 (#2003-1)