Re: Phoenix Solutions/Serials Manager v.3 Bluhm-Stieber, Hella 01 Oct 2003 18:18 UTC

Hello all,
I just received an answer to my question about the status of Phoenix
Solutions from Swets/Blackwell's technical support:

"Phoenix Solution is out of business. Phil Hessemer is in the process to
a company to obtain this product. As of today he has not notified us, with
any other company's information that has taken aboard Serials Manager.

Also, to this note SwetsBlackwell will not be attaining the product."

Hella Bluhm-Stieber

-----Original Message-----
From: Bluhm-Stieber, Hella
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 10:16 AM
Subject: Phoenix Solutions/Serials Manager v.3

Since I am a new member of this list and could not find anything in the
September and October 2003 archives, I am sending this message.
I was wondering how many libraries are using "Serials Manager v.3" as there
journal database check-in and ordering system. This system was originally
developed by Swets/Blackwells and then taken over by Phoenix Solutions.
I am especially interested in contact information for Phoenix Solutions,
since we had not been able to get in contact with them for several weeks.
Thank you very much for your help.

Hella Bluhm-Stieber

Hella Bluhm-Stieber, MLIS, AHIP
Milton J. Chatton Medical Library
Santa Clara Valley Health & Hospital System
751 S. Bascom Ave.
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 885-5654
Fax (408) 885-5655