NY Tech Services Librarians-Fall Dinner Evangeline King 16 Oct 2003 23:10 UTC

(Please excuse cross-postings)

The fall dinner/program of the New York Technical Services Librarians on
November 7th will feature:

"Towards an Open Library of Relational Metadata: the Experience of
RePEc" by Thomas Krichel, Assistant Professor at Palmer School of
Library & Information Science, Long Island University

"RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) is a collaborative effort of over
100 volunteers in 41 countries to enhance the dissemination of research
in economics. The heart of the project is a decentralized database of
working papers, journal articles and software components. Any
institution is welcome to join in contributing its research materials.
All RePEc material is freely available." (from its website at
http://http://repec.org/ )

More information on Thomas Krichel and Open Library may be found at

Please join us. Registration forms in PDF or Word, as well as more
information about NYTSL, may be found at http://nytsl.org under
"Calendar of events."

Sherman Clarke, NYU Libraries
Program Co-Chair, NYTSL

Posted by:
Evangeline King
Program Director, Manhattan
Palmer School of Library and Information Science