NASIG Horizon Award - call for applicants Eleanor Cook 21 Oct 2003 01:08 UTC


The North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG) is currently seeking
candidates for grants to attend the Eighteenth Annual Conference to be
at The Historic Hilton Milwaukee City Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June

17th - 20th, 2004.  NASIG is an international organization committed to
promoting communication and sharing of ideas among all people working
or concerned about serial publications.  More information about the
organization is available at the NASIG Web Page <>.

DESCRIPTION OF AWARD: The purpose of the NASIG Horizon Award is
to advance the serials profession by providing promising new serialists
with the
opportunity to accelerate their knowledge and understanding of serials
networking and interacting with a wide range of dedicated professionals
working in all segments of the serials information chain.  The award
provides the recipient with a firsthand introduction to NASIG by
attendance at the NASIG annual conference.  NASIG will pay for all
conference registration, housing, and travel costs.  In addition, to
encourage active participation in NASIG, the recipient will receive a
year's free membership in NASIG and will be invited to serve on a NASIG
committee the year following the award.  One award will be given in

ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must currently be in a position of a
nature with primary responsibilities for some aspect of serials, e.g.
of serials, serials acquisitions, serials vendor, serials publisher.
Applicants must have served in this position for no more than three
at the time of the application deadline and must not have been in a
professional library or library-related position (e.g. book vendor,
publisher) for more than five years at the time of the application
deadline.  Applicants must not have attended any previous NASIG
conferences, but may have participated in a NASIG conference as a local
volunteer.  Applicants do not have to be a member of NASIG.  Preference
will be given to applicants employed by a North American organization or

institution (to facilitate participation in NASIG) and to those whose
career goals include professional growth and development in serials.

APPLICATION PROCEDURE:  Application forms will be available through the
NASIG Web Page <>. Applications will only be
accepted in electronic form.  Completed applications and all related
materials should be e-mailed to:

Philenese Slaughter, Co-Chair,
NASIG Awards & Recognition Committee
Austin Peay State University
Phone: (931) 221-7741

APPLICATION DEADLINE:  Applications must be e-mailed by
FEBRUARY 15, 2004. Applications e-mailed after this date will not be

AWARD NOTIFICATION: The award recipient shall be notified by APRIL 1,