Barcoding microfiche vtaffurelli 24 Oct 2003 18:21 UTC

Greetings, fellow Serialsters,

The research centers at  The New York Public Library have recently
implemented the
circulation module of our ILS (Innovative Interfaces, Inc.).  We also have
plans to implement
an electronic call slip system in the near future.  Since we are a research
none of our materials "circulate" outside the building.  Most of our
materials are shelved in
closed stacks and must be "paged."  We are now in the process of barcoding
and creating
item records for our retrospective materials and are wondering how other
institutions are handling
microfiche.  We don't want to barcode each microfiche envelope because that
would considerably
increase the volume in the drawers.  We also want to minimize the number of
"on-the-fly" records
created at the point of service.

If your library has dealt with this issue and/or if you have any
suggestions, please contact me directly.
If there is sufficient interest, I will summarize for the list.

Thanks in advance for your help.  This discussion list is a great resource.

Virginia Taffurelli
Head of Technical Processing
Science, Industry and Business Library
The New York Public Library
188 Madison Avenue
New York NY  10016-4314
Phone: (212) 592-7234
FAX: (212) 592-7233