Call for Papers, Medical Library Association Janzen, Junie C. (HSC) 27 Oct 2003 14:58 UTC

Call for Papers

"Seize the Power--MLA '04",

Washington, DC, May 21-26, 2004

The Technical Services Section of the Medical Library Association
solicits papers to be presented at the 2004 Annual Meeting:

Deadline:  Closing date for submitting abstracts is Midnight, CST, on
Monday, Nov. 3, 2003.  (Note:  Only abstracts, rather than completed
papers, are required at this time. Presentations will be limited to
fifteen minutes, and will be selected based on the submitted abstracts.
Online submission (see below) is strongly preferred.)

Session Title:  Lighting the Path:  Digital Repositories in the Real

Description:  This contributed paper session will focus on library
solutions to the issues surrounding local digital repositories.  How do
libraries manage or point the way to research, educational and other
previously inaccessible unique digital content within our institutions?
What is the library's role in planning, implementing, and evaluating
models and solutions?  Are there effective ways to coordinate our
efforts with administration and information technology departments,
while ensuring that appropriate indexing and cataloging procedures
remain routine?  This session will move beyond planning, to shed light
on the "right now" status of digital repositories.

Co-Sponsors:  Educational Media and Technologies Section

                        Health Association Libraries Section

MLA provides a required structured abstract format, online submission,
as well as more information at

Section contact person:  Judy Wilkerson (